
It to him

Each day

Because prayer

Makes a difference

Changing things for better

Moving mountains insurmountable

See! A better day beckons from the horizon

Silver lining beaming with hope at day’s dawn

Getting ever better through the eventful day unfolding magnificently unto perfection

© The Blazing Trail 2023

Ground Zero

Then came Ground Zero…

The Blazing Trail

Never in the history of the Nation had such large-scale panic been experienced. From the palace to the populace reality about the immensity of the threat facing them was dawning on all. The ominous poison from the sting of Sennacherib spread like a plague. Great fear had seized the land. In a defiant show of might, he had paraded his chief officer, the supreme commander and his field counterpart all seasoned warriors to deliver the spine chilling message to Hezekiah and the Nation that demanded nothing short of  unconditional surrender.

View original post 552 more words

The Altar Boy

Down Memory Lane…First Few Months a Blogger…

The Blazing Trail

Some mysteries are beyond comprehension; some are deeper than others. Some days, people and seasons are destined for history. Still, some baptisms are by fire. I have no way of telling if destiny is inevitable yet there I was, simply carried along. I’m still trying to establish what the meaning of the word ‘tingle’ is! Such terminologies are so lofty for me to comprehend, yet I was caught right at the epicenter. When all is said and done, some boundaries are better off not violated. I was an altar boy.

View original post 981 more words


Continued From “Mermaids of the Bermuda”

“How outrageous! Out of your mind is what you are!”

“Oh! I can’t believe I’m listening to this!” Protested an elderly woman, her hands blocking her ears. “I need to get out of here pronto!”

“And you haven’t heard about the disputed chopsticks yet. Definitely not a place for the faint hearted  mum,” pointed out the paparazzi on a light note. Continue reading “DO NOT DO THIS @HOME!”


The vital city woke up to an unusually eventful morning. Drama had for the last two years been simmering toward an all time climax following the exultant entry of Alpha the Majestic in the vast continent. Curious citizenry milled around news vendor stands to catch a glimpse of the flashy headlines from the dailies. Business was booming within the numerous exotic city restaurants as the early risers comprising  of the middle class mainly drowned their hot cup of tea, engrossed in emotive conversation. Hundreds of the city workforce held in  a historic morning traffic jam followed proceedings via FM stations afforded in their vehicles. Continue reading “MERMAIDS OF THE BERMUDA!”


“Beware of the mystery spot that enjoins motive and conscience; More important, the enclave that encapsulates the duo. For…fff…f.” He paused, indicating progress with a gentle nod, desperately gasping for breath, his left fist tightly clenched. Continue reading “MEETING POINT”


Continued From “Desire!”

There was commotion within the First House after the surprise distress call right in the middle of the night…

He sat at the edge of the bed, half-dressed, staring at the dresser, his teary eyes staring forth, robbed of all expression…

“Nothing, really. I just think some handshakes are longer rather more personal than others. So are some stares…Oh! There it goes again the river!” …

It was dawning on us with incredible detail, the First Room, the nerve centre of the Nation’s moral decorum was playing host to an unusual guest this eventful evening.

*** Continue reading “TAKE TWO!”


Continued From The Signal…

He sat at the edge of the bed, half-dressed, staring at the dresser, his teary eyes staring forth, robbed of all expression. Two more agents, male and female sprung inside, their fingers on the trigger. Everything seemed to come to a standstill as the four of us exchanged uneasy glances in a moment of indecision.

It was dawning on us with incredible detail, the First Room, the nerve centre of the Nation’s moral decorum was playing host to an unusual guest this eventful evening! Continue reading “DESIRE!”


There was commotion within the First House after the surprise distress call right in the middle of the night. The red blink at the high priority console signaling a looming shaking within the establishment was one of a kind. Security agents within the internal Multi-Level Response units were thrown on a momentary frenzy as they quickly ran their checks. Parameters marking the expansive grounds hosting the magnificent giant facility went on a lock-down mode,  with preliminary evaluation from the rapid response system having ruled out the prospect of external intrusion.

Continue reading “THE SIGNAL”

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