Growing up wasn’t always easy, especially walking at night! Such dreaded moments were synonymous with unique first hand encounters with the world’s extinct and mystical species such as the dinosaur, angels and demons. Strangely, I was never armed with a camera any of those nights so I was unable to prove my point to any one! A flashlight presented a magical touch in a moment like that; tranquility, order and clarity instantaneously restored. Continue reading “A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH”

Curtain Raisers

It was a bright sunny Tuesday afternoon. The sky above the city was clear with aeroplanes navigating their courses to and fro. The populace was pulsating with great anticipation in readiness for the highly publicized show. Right at the heart of the city, at International Studios, the host was working on the final touches ahead of his momentous assignment.

Continue reading “Curtain Raisers”

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