Continued from last week’s Invasion…The “F” Factor…

“Stop!” Shouted an enraged conductor at the top of his voice, his eyes fixed at the concertmaster. The audience was heavily pregnant with expectation as the auditorium went gravely silent.

 “That was F-Minor, not F-Major!” Remember you have to keep it at F-Major no matter what happens. You knew that, didn’t you?! Now see what disaster you’ve caused. Your crucial instrument is from now on muted. What are we going to do?!” Continue reading “WHEN THE MARTIANS COME CALLING!”


It was the matchless story of ages, the spectacle of the Nations and the untold mystery of world’s greatest wonder articulated in a magnificent performance of the season. The awesome display of a refined synchronized work of art, gift and beauty converged in a grand public statement of the blazing trail. It was the story of past, present and future unfolding along a common story-line in such an ineluctable  fashion there were simply no words to depict. The sponsors and critics of fate and destiny alike were engrossed in a heated endless contest on which way the spectacle was exactly headed. Yet it seemed truth lay way beyond either, rapidly moving forward in a life of her own, a domain elusive from the wit and scrutiny of the naked mind and eye respectively, with the child like simplicity of the substance it bore: Truth! Continue reading “INVASION…THE “F” FACTOR”


Continued from last week…

He frowned at the contrast between the beautiful glowing face and the image depicted by the tattoo. How could the two exist together? Talking of discrepancies, this day seemed to present more than just one illustration on the matter. He felt like one lost in a hostile wilderness going round and round in circles of motion with no progress.

“Are you okay sir?” Came the gentle voice underlined with delicate innocence that caused his heart to race fast. Continue reading “VEILED 2”


There exists the great mystery of all times, once concealed, now revealed, securely holding the chords of life together. Like a bride on a bright sunny D-day morning she patiently stands still, eagerly awaiting the grand moment of unveiling, for the kiss of grace that completes humanity in perfect love.

*** Continue reading “VEILED”

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