Like the maneuver of the eagle in the sky

Slither of the snake on a rock

Ship’s course on high seas

Like the mystery of a man

And his maiden

Nile speeding past

Urgent summons in heed

The tributaries stretch and wind

From source to source

Ultimate destination Continue reading “TRIBUTARIES”


The Grand finale… continued from last week’s “The Sons o Balaam”

He encircled his lucrative target one more time spreading over the expansive plain and came descending upon the unsuspecting kindred, ready to unleash terror from all faculties. His indicators confirmed the landmine was in place. There was not a chance for escape, even for the luckiest. This would be the day truth is wiped off the map of the world. Maybe he had something to be proud of after all. Maybe he was really at the verge of making history. Maybe it was worth the carrot or the carrot worth the effort, he thought to himself as he lowered his thumb on the detonator,his face displaying great anticipation.

“Your long miserable trek just got nastier folks!” He sarcastically muttered to himself. Continue reading “WITH A TOUCH OF THE HUNGRY RED DRAGON!”


Continued from last week’s Land Mine of the Great Trek…

It’s been said unlike poles attract. As the luminary flew his jet over the plain there was no doubt in his mind he represented an extreme contrast to the kindred underneath. The thought their identity would ultimately take dominion over the earth gave him a strongly repulsive churn in his stomach laced with monumental proportions of anger. As he casually glanced over the detonator, he knew he had turned into a different person. He knew he was doing the wrong thing. But then it’s whom he had become! How could he be so wrong yet feel so right? For he found himself knowing one thing yet by contrast doing a different one all together, this with a guarded eerie sense of ease. Continue reading “THE SONS OF BALAAM”


It was only yesterday when i did my first post, skeptical whether i had the energy to stay afloat.One friend after another came along-graciously so.Then i sensed there was a chance i would survive.I have learned a lot through all of you wonderful people!It’s the smiles,the likes and showers of kind sentiments in their various forms that have been my Inspiration.And it gets better. Thank you.You have made me belong ,my experience here heart warming.All because of the special people you are;the exceptionally brilliant family you standout as,in ever ascending fashion.This comes to you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you Ivon for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.He will fascinate you with deep insights at As I glance down memory lane, I have no idea where I would be without the role of every teacher and leader who has been part of my molding journey since childhood.From the bottom of my heart,I dedicate this post to each single one of them, wherever they may be found.Thank-you!

Once again,thanks Ivon.My sense of Inspiration is renewed.Keep the flame burning. Best wishes to you in all.

The Rules:

1.Link back to the person who nominated you.

2. Post the award image to your page:

3. Seven facts about myself:

  •  I believe in the power of a common dream for humanity
  • I believe in the active role of Inspiration toward moving this dream to reality
  • I believe each one of us,aware or unaware carries a special part of this big picture…”where dreams come true!”
  • I believe every life is a footstep holding in it a unique potential to Lead humanity closer to the dream realization
  • If I could have one wish granted,it would be to live forever young at heart!
  • I enjoyed playing the cornet as my favorite instrument once upon a time!
  • Every time someone mentions “potatoes” my heart skips a beat!

4. My fifteen nominees:

So long!

The Blazing Trail

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